Level 5 Award in Strategic Planning & Management of Major Events

Major events are often the ultimate test of a city’s or even nation’s capability in terms of complex project management.

Every four years the Olympic Games pushes back the understanding of major event management, with the eyes of the world rest on a country that is expected to host hundreds of athletes, thousands of support staff and media, hundreds of thousands of visitors and billions of fans who are watching events live on their televisions, computers and portable devices across the globe.

However, even for lesser events, the likelihood is that the underlying infrastructure that is used to support the development, delivery and on-going management of the event will be tested to a level that has never been experienced before and which requires long-term planning and multi-stakeholder capability development of the highest level.

At the heart of that planning and delivery process is the development of an appropriate C4 (Command / Control /Coordination /Communication) management system, as well as a detailed roadmap that can establish, right from the beginning of the delivery process, a framework within which the multiple components of a successful major event can be put together in a planned, structured and cohesive manner.

This programme takes many of the lessons learned from the London 2012 London Olympics and Paralympic Games, and creates a set of templates, frameworks and protocols that can be applied to the planning and management of any major event, whatever its size, scope or intrinsic nature.

Programme Contents

Understanding the Basic Concepts of Major Event Planning and Management

  • Introduction to Strategic Planning and Management of Major Events
  • Major Event Risk Management Principles
  • Writing the Games Management Project Handbook
  • Getting It Right from Day 1: Planning Assumptions

Creating a Strategic Multi-Agency Planning Framework

  • The ‘One Games, One Team’ Doctrine
  • Developing The Stakeholder Network
  • Government, City and Organising Committee Integration
  • Public / Private Sector Integration

Creating a Strategic Multi-Agency Security, Risk and Crisis Management Framework

  • Transport Planning and Management
  • Transport Security
  • Multi-Agency Security Management Integration
  • Training, Exercising + Validation
  • Table-Top Exercise

Creating a Security Management and Incident Response Capability

  • Venue Security Planning and Management
  • Incident Management Structures
  • Last Mile Management
  • Security Planning and Preparation (Lessons from G4S)
  • Special Issues (CBRN, Pandemic, etc)

Soft Skills Management and Integration

  • Manage the Soft Skills of Major Event Management
  • Media Management
  • Volunteer Integration
  • Planning For The Next Stage