ISRM Ireland Chapter Symposium 2022

  • 03/06/2022, 09:00 /IST/
  • Workday Visitor Centre, Church Street, Dublin, Ireland
  • All Day Event

Friday, 3rd June 2022, 09:00 - 16:00 / BST / at Workday Visitor Centre, The King Building, 152-155 Church Street Dublin 7



8:30 - Registration

09:15 - Opening address: Paul McAuliffe TDDr David Ruben D.SyRM and Garry Bergin PC, MSc, CSyP, CPP®, CPOI®, FSyI, F.ISRM

09:30 - Leo Harris MSc (Dist), BSc, CMIRM, CMIOSH

What is Risk and how does it Support the Achievement of Objectives

A brief overview of the evolution of risk and where it sits within the organisational structure. How it supports the achievement of organisational objectives.

10:15 - Paul Kellett DSM, PC, MSc, CPP®, CPOI®

Leadership Within High-Risk Environments

A summary of leading in crisis situations while remaining cognisant of human behaviour when experiencing stress.

11:00 - Dr. David Strachan-Morris, SFHEA, M.Sec.II

Using Intelligence in Risk Management

Intelligence plays a vital role in the Risk Management Process by reducing uncertainty. This presentation will discuss how intelligence can support security and political risk decisions in the commercial sector, providing some useful tools and frameworks for understanding risk and uncertainty.

12:00 - Lunch

13:00 - Damien Mc Donough MSc, CPP®, CPOI®

Transitioning from the Military to the Corporate Risk Environment

An overview of the preparation required to effectively transition from the military to the corporate risk and security sectors.

13:45 - Finbarr Mc Carthy CSSM, Dip FC Psych, M.Sec.II

Rethinking Security Procurement

How changing your approach to security service procurement can positively impact our risk mitigation program.

14:30 - John Brophy MSc, MEMII, MIITD

What Happens when Risks Materialise?

What can be done to ensure timely, effective and co-ordinated response when risk mitigation fails? An overview of the ‘planning and preparedness’ phase of the risk management cycle.

15:15 - Sadhbh McCarthy

The Personnel Supply Gap: The Biggest Risk of All?

Sadhbh McCarthy will introduce the topic for open discussion, allowing input from the audience and panel members to address the issue.

16:00 - ISRM Certification Presentations

  • Memberships
  • Fellowships

16:10 - Closing Remarks: Dr David Ruben D.SyRM



This event is an in-person event and will not be recorded

All attendees will receive a packed conference folder (limited to 70 attendees)
