ASIS and ISRM Luncheon Meeting - 11 August 2021

It is with great pleasure and excitement that the Houston Chapter The Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM) announces its first joint luncheon/speaker event in collaboration with the Houston ASIS Chapter #12 - Region 3C.

The Houston ASIS and ISRM Chapters recently agreed upon a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to work towards common goals of increasing professionalism in the security sector through education, peer-to-peer support, networking, recognizing, and promoting synergies and collaborations where appropriate.

Our thanks to the ASIS Houston Chapter Chairman Marco Segura & the Board of Directors for their favorable support.

Thank you, Darlene Fawcett, AMBCI, for being an AWESOME Vice-Chair and facilitating the agreement.

Thank you, Garry Bergin PC MSc CPP® CPOI® FSyI F.ISRM, for your advice and guidance!


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